Emma Whiley

Spring clean your life

Spring clean your life
It’s the start of spring into a new decade and with most of us home bound, it’s the perfect excuse to clear the house out and set in motion new systems and routines that will make the rest of the year easier for everyone – but especially Mum.

There’s no denying that parenting requires being on the ball all the time but there are ways and means of making it easier and your life more organised. Here are a few of our favourites to help put a spring in your step:

1. Cull the (toy) clutter

Get your kids involved with getting stuck into sorting out their toys. Take everything out from every toy box, bag and corner and lay it all out in the middle of the room. We think you’ll be surprised at home much you actually have. Make three piles – throw away, donate, keep. Moving quickly through the toys sort them across all three piles. Get rid of multiples, anything that is broken or has been outgrown. Focus on crafting a collection of open-ended toys that have lots of uses, think dress up clothes, dolls, construction toys and train sets. Create a ‘donate’ bag which you can later gift to a charity.

2. Set up a toy rotation

Once you’ve culled the toys, gather the remaining ones and sort them into piles again. This time creating different sets for a toy rotation. Try and include things like puzzles, construction toys and craft tools in each pile. Box each pile up in big plastic tubs, keeping one out at a time. Every two or so weeks switch the toy box and watch as your little ones rediscover toys they’d almost forgotten they owned. Plus, less toys out means less tidy up time for you. Win, win.

All that’s left to do is lay out your Toddlekind playmat and you’re ready for some great play.

3. Meal plan and prep

We don’t know about you but it seems like our toddlers are always hungry. Taking a few hours on the weekend to prep snacks, whether it’s washing and chopping fruit and veg or whipping up a quick batch of banana pancakes for breakfasts, makes those endless snack request easier to manage. And meal planning, even if it’s just a week ahead, removes that horrible ‘what shall we eat for dinner’ panic at lunchtime every day.

4. Clean Room-by-Room

Having the kids at home all day does´t make it easy to have an organised home. Approaching your house sorting room-by-room enables you to do an effective deep clean of your home in a manageable way. Make a check-list of each room before you start and stick to the following plan- de-clutter, clean & organise. Get the little ones involved by playing their favourite music and establishing a reward to get the work done.

5. Deep clean your fridge, oven & dishwasher naturally.

With our hectic lives it´s easy to neglect some of those items we use the most like the fridge, oven or dishwasher. Use your extra time at home to give them some love. You can clean your oven with just baking powder and vinegar and your dishwasher & fridge with some simple household items.

6. Sort out old clothes

Get rid of clothes that don't fit anymore or any that you have not worn in 12 months. Whether it´s yours or the kids, now is the perfect time to sort out clothes that no longer fit and put away your winter wardrobe. You can organise the kids clothes into boxes organised by age, ready to sell or gift to charity.

7. Dispose of expired goods

Whether its out of date tinned goods, make up or medicine spring is the perfect time to rid your house of these ensuring you don´t use them later on.

8. Clean up your digital life

Annoying people on Instagram or too many spam emails? Try going through and unsubscribing to any e-mails that are unwanted, and delete any messages that you might not have checked in a month or two. Take the time to un-follow any accounts that don´t add value to your life on Instagram.

9. Feng Shui your rooms

Give negative energy the boot and re-arrange your house to support the flow of positive energy. Here is a short guide to help you understand how you can use Feng Shui to optimise your home.

10. Gardening

With the weather getting warmer, spring is the perfect time to get out into your outdoor space. If you have a garden, now is the time to get green fingers and get those weeds out of your garden. You could get the kids involved in planting too. Here is a brilliant guide to get your kids involved in gardening.

Love from Team Toddlekind

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